We are very fortunate to have a great Club House / Shop combination supported by our equally great Members!

Entering our club house you are at the Meeting and Demonstration room. For Demonstrations we have a Powermatic 3520B lathe with a video camera displayed on two 50″ monitors so that even those in the back can see the presentation . With a membership around 85-95, we have ample seating for everyone and we generally have a high turnout percentage.
We have a tool room, which also contains our dust collection system, directly behind the demonstration area. Our shop area is behind and to the right of the demonstration area. We have beginner Turner Classes each year and open shop on one Saturday morning a month. We have three variable speed Delta mini lathes, two variable speed Jet mini lathes and a Rikon mini lathe. All Lathes except one are connected to the central dust system. The room is also equipped with rolling tool chest, variable speed grinder, drill press, a band saw, air filtration system and other power tools that are needed.