Our meeting in December was very well attended with some members we haven’t seen in a while.
We had an election of officers for the next 2 years. We still have an opening for a co-secretary to take notes when the secretary is not able to attend. Please contact me if you are interested in being a backup.
Dan Brandner is our new Web Master and had a proposal for a new web server and updating the web site. The Board voted to proceed with that, and Dan will start on that and also a new Facebook page/group. Keep looking for exciting new changes there.
I put on a demo on making a Morse Taper drive jig for the headstock which can be used to make ornaments. From there I demonstrated how to make a drilled Christmas ornament with a finial on each end. After that we were running short on time, so I passed around several examples of inside out ornaments and mini bird house ornaments. We also talked about small Christmas trees, and snowmen it put on the inside of your ornaments.
We are teaching beginning classes again. Each class has slots for 6 students with 4 instructors. There is a lot of 1 on 1 instruction. The first 5-week beginning class is doing great. The second 5-week class is full and will start Thursday January 4th from 6:00 to 9:00. The 3rd beginning class will be starting right after that so if you are interested in that we still have openings. Contact me if you are interested and I will put you on the list.