Prez Seyz (Aug ’24)

We had a wonderful turnout at the annual picnic at our cabin near Colfax. There was some great food and it is really nice to get to meet the spouses. With the display tables the spouses were able to see other member’s projects.

It has been a very busy month for the club. We had an event at Menomonie for Paint the Town. Several members were there to get our name out there and show what we do as turners. Several items were on display and there seemed to be a lot of interest by all the questions that were asked. A big THANK YOU to all that helped make it a success.

The next big event was the Chainsaw Carving Event. Again our club did a great job of letting people make a pen. We started Thursday with packing everything up and moving 3 lathes with all the supplies to Carson Park. We had the same location as 2 years past but this time we had 2 additional tents. Our busy time teaching started at 9:00 am Friday and continued with waiting lines until 5:00 pm. We did another full day Saturday. Sunday we started at 9:00 am and stopped at 2:00pm. The next process was to clean up and pack everything up and return to the club house. We will be having a meeting in the near future to discuss things we can do to improve the process. Overall I think we had another successful event. There were many members that helped all weekend and I would like to thank them all.

I want to thank Dan Brandner and Ron Bartz for running the August meeting. The Open House had 4 lathes in use with several projects being worked on.

See you at the next meeting September 4th at 6:00PM
Have fun turning!

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