We just went from the longest coldest month and are now into the shortest month. I hope this finds everyone in good health and doing well.
We had a gentleman give our club large quantity of wood for our members. Mary Weider single-handedly picked the wood up. The wood was stored in his basement which required Mary to carry a large amount of heavy logs up the steps and load into her vehicle. She then took the logs to my house and delivered them to my shop where I processed the logs onto bowl blanks for the members. She then loaded the blanks back into her vehicle along with all the scraps. She then discarded the scraps and delivered the blanks to the clubhouse for the members to take for free. It is members like Mary that makes this club such a great club. I want to speak for all the members and say “THANK YOU” for all your hard work!
Our beginning classes are going well with great progress being made. This week we started making a bowl. We had a great turnout for the open house with all the lathes in use. People were busy making bowls, others were making pens, some were sharpening their tools while others were processing wood with the bandsaw. It was a very busy 4 hours.
Bob Eberhardt demonstrated how to turn finials. I hope everyone was able to pick up a few pointers.
Have fun turning