Prez Seyz (Jul ’24)

I hope this finds everyone able to enjoy the summer weather.

We had a good turnout for our July meeting. It is a very busy time of year. I did the demo on hollowing using the Jamieson hollowing system. I talked about the grain direction and cutting end grain. There are several tools on the market for hollowing end grain. Some of the ones discussed were Oneway Termite tool, several types of carbide cutters, a spindle gouge with a back cut, scrapers, and systems with a support system like the Jamieson system. I demoed the laser pointer for judging wall thickness etc. Overall I think the demo was OK!

The open house this month was moved to my cabin for the annual club picnic. It was well attended and everyone had a good time.

We had a booth at the Paint the Town event in Menomonie on Saturday, July 20th. It is a great way to get our name out there and show some of our projects.

We will be having our Learn to Turn event at the annual US Open Chainsaw Sculpture Championship in Carson Park the first weekend in August so keep that in mind! We will be setting up August 1st. If you are able to assist for any of the time slots, Please contact Tom Leonard.

Have fun turning!

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